Welcome to Wired4Wellness

This is a site dedicated to providing up-to-date information about county health and wellness programs and insurance information to Montgomery County employees.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Walk a County Mile - Starts October 13th

The County's Walk A County Mile Walking Club, which is under the directive of Montgomery  County Parks & Rec, will have a kick-off event on Saturday, October 13th at Snowdoun Park, from 10 -11 a.m.  We invite you to come out to the park to register. Once you have done so, you can log your miles at any county park and win great prizes. It's simple...and it's fun! So, get your walking group together. The weather is turning cooler, so come enjoy the county parks and walk your way to better health. To learn more, contact James Williams, Montgomery County Parks & Rec Superintendent at 832-7181.