Welcome to Wired4Wellness

This is a site dedicated to providing up-to-date information about county health and wellness programs and insurance information to Montgomery County employees.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Are You Ready to Get Pumped?

I like to go the YMCA on South Perry Street for a quick workout on my lunch hour. I use to have a hard time motivating myself to go because…well, it’s working out! Most of us don’t really look forward to the pain associated with exercise, but we sure like the results.
However, recently I’ve been pretty excited about going to the gym because of this class called BodyPump.  It’s an exercise class that involves working out to music that helps you forget about the pain… because you’re too busy having FUN.  The workout’s music tempo starts slow and increases as the workout gets tougher. You work out your entire body using a barbell at different angles, and you get a good stretch in while you’re at it. You can adjust the weight as you want so men and women can give it a shot.
It’s perfect for those of us who like to get a good sweat in on our lunch breaks. The class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:15-1:00 p.m. You’ll see me and a few other people you probably know when you go, so you won’t be alone. Hope to see you there!

Wired4Wellness - A Health & Wellness Blog

I'm excited about the County's new website and the expanded format for Risk Management. We have a lot of great opportunities going on for all County employees, and I look forward to having a place for you to come to get the information you need.

I'll be posting blogs periodically to tell you about health benefits, healthy living tips and upcoming county employee events.  If you have questions about county employee insurance or wellness programs, please don't hesitate to call or email me at:  scottkramer@mc-ala.org or  832.1280.